miércoles, febrero 11, 2015


Este número de teléfono me llamo el otro día por la mañana. Yo acababa de pedir la portabilidad a masmóvil y dijeron que eran de portabilidad de Movistar. Me hicieron una oferta pero la rechacé.


Este número de teléfono me llamo el otro día por la mañana. Yo acababa de pedir la portabilidad a masmóvil y dijeron que eran de portabilidad de Movistar. Me hicieron una oferta pero la rechacé.

lunes, noviembre 03, 2014


Este número de teléfono llama insistentemente, hace tres o cuatro tonos y luego para. En realidad lo que quieren saber es a que hora puedes contestar una llamada para luego vender esa información a otras compañías.

domingo, julio 27, 2014

Números alternativos al 902119368

Si queremos contacta con Atención al cliente de El Corte Inglés, y ahorrarnos unos euros no llamando a un 902 de tarificación adicional, podemos llamar a estos números, el 915 40 47 00 ó el 914 02 81 12.

miércoles, julio 09, 2014


Este número de teléfono llegó hasta llamarme seis veces al día. En cuanto respondía colgaban. Creo que son de Vodafone. Para librarme de él lo bloqueé y ya no me da más la lata.

miércoles, junio 04, 2014


Ese número es del BBVA. Te llaman del Departamento Comercial para intentar colocarte un préstamo. Puede que te interese o puede que no. Eso es cosa tuya.

miércoles, mayo 21, 2014



死亡擺脫我們,但也讓我們單獨和社會和歷史淵源。有多少人為了驅除或至少標稱電流減輕破壞性心理影響豎立的紀念碑? 是不是西方的教堂,因為任何寺廟任何積極的宗教或邪教,一個雄偉的方式來紀念死亡?
每一種文化,每一個文明讚揚生命的極致體驗,在極限,從而使最初的極限,生命的起源,以及指出了希臘人,誰是第一個在我們的傳統西方申明生與死是辯證關係,不明白一個沒有其他。而現實是作為赫拉克利特認為,相對緊張的和諧。 從而產生不腐敗(亞里士多德,“德Generatione等corruptione ” )無法理解在他那個時代,神聖的柏拉圖,哲學之父,合成Heraclitean愛利亞fixism通用動力,我們發現公式西方思想的通用公式是說,每一個存在本身包含不被(同一與差異),因此可以開發,變更;增長和收縮殲滅,並返回給了它誕生之地。在19世紀的另一個公式黑格爾用來形容這種合成存在與非存在之間,沒有什麼:逆變,它只是允許在世界上( essendi )我們存在的媒體和我們的世界的代表性( cognoscendi奧) 。我們的生活經驗,然後由開發,這是其中的我們有直接的經驗,不是存在或虛無,這是純粹的限制我們的生活理念標記。
因此,西方哲學已經站起來死刑試圖理解和解釋生命的意義。因為這是我們經歷過的唯一的一個。死亡,的確,使我們在不可言喻的境界,維特根斯坦所謂的“神秘” (維特根斯坦:邏輯哲學論“ )和神秘的逃脫表示這也許會導致如此多的恐懼(帝臨終),這種擔心是。作者範式完全基督教根源為帕斯卡或烏納穆諾,誰曾試圖通過去信非理性的慾望不死去克服它,所有的燈矛盾為自己認可的原因。此外,雙方Pascal和烏納穆諾是宗教思想傾向的例子死亡看到神聖的深不可測的神秘感表現,只有有道理的,當你覺得即使沒有擔保人的理由神的靈魂不朽的渴望。我們位於在死亡的神聖的主要方面之一也。這是沒有其他比成聖來自思想和宗教信仰。由於這些信念可以證明生命這樣一個限制的經驗,對太平間邪教引起的地步。
在這裡,我們再次強調,死亡使我們或使我們恰恰是恐懼變成超自然或神化。在某種程度上,我們可以說與Estació酒店:帝fecit DEOS “,雖然其病因多,實際上取決於社會經濟和政治factoraes作為勞動力,電力和階級鬥爭這兩者產生的社會分工,但它是真實的恐懼,這是非常痛苦的盟友,已被用於所有的宗教,特別是積極的,它已經產生一個制度化的形而上學(古斯塔沃·布埃諾, “神聖的動物” )重定向到個體生命的存在折磨的方向,以及看到尼采(道德的譜系) :牧師是一個誰在引導道德,社會和政治進步的一個創作方向的痛苦根據尼采牧師著名的弗洛伊德將昇華的痛苦transmundo創造一個超越死亡“這。為什麼?
答案並不簡單,但事實是,男人需要生存的欺騙,而且沒有義務來處理你的自由和你的命運或生活沒有意義,表明弗洛姆,海德格爾和薩特。什麼是這種欺騙的根源:無論是比理性的結構,不多也不少。每一個男人,在他需要的形而上學,雖然簡單或行人,平凡而最終沒有學術。康德表達了這三重問題:什麼是我的家我能做什麼我可以期待什麼? 這是男人的三倍康德的形而上學痛苦的制定,從古代墓葬( 6000年)所代表的積極宗教的偉大的寺廟。
死亡: ESE大生意
因此,死亡的大企業不僅有心理內涵,正如康德將剝離的問題。個人不僅要求他們的秩序,甚至生命被這種無知的難以理解的未來和恐懼,顯然是毫無意義的負擔,但是一分錢一分死亡。保險公司和殯葬賺取未知的將來這個富有想像力的投影巨額利潤。神秘的是一個社會企業作為根和超越心理表徵,但它不只是個別恐懼的事情。因此,創建一個過剩經濟在當代西方社會是有意義的勞動和權力的社會分工的背景下。因此,領導人的葬禮擁有不可思議的一個叫腳踏泵公民。也有死亡之前的類。我們到達所有,但有所不同。同樣,教會和政治層次,緊密相連手柄恐懼,快樂,痛苦,善良與邪惡和各種感情和人的價值,因為他們認為合適的在每種情況下。政治謊言,因為宗教必然要對方,儘管後者是更強大,因為它會影響我們如何看待人類的根源。因此,該政策試圖模仿的宗教儀式,而無需實際得到保持神聖的宗教儀式的嚴重性。該策略決定生活或居民死亡 - 題材,但誰決定的政治主人的最終命運? 特別是如果他們相信他們有一個值得拯救的靈魂,也就是說,如果他們渴望永生。有些人會長生不老,其實,事實(自古以來被豎立雕像和紀念碑他們) 。為暴民的領導者可以是一個半神半人,但對於政治半仙:哪裡是真正的神性的保證嗎? 在一天結束的領導人都喜歡我們,因為德勒茲(反俄狄浦斯)告訴我們渴望的機器,我們希望主要為快樂和避免痛苦。所以我們願意以豐富誰穿過我們的路徑與代碼食譜死後得救的第一個大師。毫無疑問。所有的大師住救恩,使尼采認為,疼痛感,創造發明軟化這種廢話,唯一真正的罪惡一transmundo解釋它。
我們先說了,那關於死亡和處理它的方式不同概念依賴於社會心理,宗教,歷史概念和最終人類學的各種公司,我們給予歷史的, 。在西方思想傳統有兩個不可調和的趨勢明顯。一,宗教和其他世俗或無神論者會打電話。第一個考慮,並使用哲學神學的婢女和下屬有理由信仰傑出代表這種心態和它的發起人之一,是聖奧古斯丁。據奧古斯丁,上帝從虛無中創造了世界。這是對希臘思想,這在很大程度上是跟著一個創新。回想一下,根據古希臘人: “無中生有Nihil飛度” 。從沒有一個創造的概念是離譜的希臘思想家。所以我們中間,聖奧古斯丁,誰試圖從柏拉圖造物主的形象理順基督教的創造者神。據奧古斯丁,上帝創造了世界,繼現有的神聖心靈的思想格局。這當然,柏拉圖主義的氣味。難怪我們是在談論一個異端柏拉圖主義者,因為柏拉圖的造物主是不是造物主,而是代表希臘城邦的生產,手工方面,創造永不行為無中生有,難以理解希臘的柏拉圖。也說,聖奧古斯丁是歷史哲學的發起人之一。在“上帝之城與魔鬼城”區分了兩種城市模型:一個神和另一個人,那墮落天使。當然兩者作為論文和對立面。一個是注定的救贖那些誰遭受無休止的懲罰而另一個在聖潔的人。上帝的聖奧古斯丁的代表,但與邪惡存在的世界。所以,這兩個城市的戰鬥永遠以人類歷史的角度歐米茄:最後的審判的日子。在奧古斯丁的傢伙,因為發生在基督徒認為是公民作為經典muindo是一個人,套用伯蒂烏斯:一種精神性的理性的物質。該人有完全相反的靈魂與肉體的,其使命是純化罪和永生做準備。基督教,正如我們看到的,肉體的死亡增加了一個形而上的切割降解人類的個人性質:仙。男人可以從作為神的兒子罪人,在本質上,這顯著下降很大程度上解釋了人類歷史上基督教,特別是作者奧古斯丁和一般所有的中世紀。

這包括海德格爾主題作為另一種方式來處理自己的死亡西方文明,其中德國哲學家,已經忘記了作為事物的眾生的利益,在我們的當今世界是文物。形而上學已被取消在藝術和技術。因此,我們忘記死亡與我們的文物,因為自我是忘記忘記生死的最佳途徑。我們已經看到,西方思想傳統試圖位於生死現實的準備。今天,這一傳統是不可或缺的海德格爾的思想丟失,這是不足為奇的死亡海德格爾的概念要求一個真實的存在,揭示,如古典哲學家做真實的我們的作者,個體,稱為此在或此在是要的是由它的本質,這無非是存在的呈文其他徵收可能性的核心。然而,死亡的可能性也不大,但有內幕,從而揭示給此在其權力的存在出類拔萃的世界。從而顯露的可能性出類拔萃,這是我們期望我們的存在,麻煩之中,即在真實性上的自我的狀態表現為它是什麼,首選個別的區域,而不是作為物聯網的一部分,即是出現不真實的存在本身的方式,進行了客觀的(它說......說...... ) 。現在,如果麻煩打破了日常那是因為它代表了一個飛行到熟悉的面孔,是指自己被扔進了世界的責任,是死亡(海德格爾: “存在與時間” ) 。當然,海德格爾認為,在這一點上,我們的夢想和卡爾德隆在莎士比亞時代的故事告訴白痴或者只是瘋狂erasmista的話清醒。這個夢想日常小樂趣,讓我們忘了我們的本質是更真實的今天比以往任何時候。這是一個存在於媒體和一般在所有的現實電視節目。存在與死亡的湮滅結果從這個角度來看,也有大量業務,電視節目。為了給他們的個人責任和自由烏合之眾需要偶像。所以堅持每天最微小的和微不足道繼續保持一種錯覺換購淒慘的存在充滿陳詞濫調和值false作為自己的偶像,這,當然有理由並使之合法化的不公正,腐敗的社會和退化和歷史的一直佔主導地位的優勝劣汰。虛無主義在這是很好的尼采眼中太噁心了,就重複生厭了作為統治的工具假值,在沒有個人的解放的新值。經過上帝之死也並非一無是處,身體只是一個邪教組織以及顯示拜物教裸體在媒體的身份。這不是誰聲稱資產階級啟蒙運動的主權形式,而是愚蠢,白痴,在希臘idiotes ,特定個體孤立的獵物激烈自私的意義上使用個人。難怪當代個體旨在延續加劇了最卑鄙的激情和樂趣。正如你在道德的譜系尼采說: “男人喜歡什麼都不會不想要的。 ”忘記死亡是一個合乎邏輯的退出戰略,正是現在的自己是那麼的格格不入我們的文明和它的結束如此之近。



Death rid us but also makes us both individually and socially and historically . How many have erected monuments in order to exorcise or priate least mitigating the devastating psychosocial effects ? . Are not the cathedrals of the West, as any temple of any positive religion or cult , a majestic way to commemorate the death ? .

Every culture , every civilization has paid tribute to this extreme experience of life , the ultimate limit, which in turn enables the initial limit, the origin of life , as well as pointed out the Greeks, who were the first in our tradition Western affirm that Life and Death are dialectically related and not understand one without the other . And that reality is as Heraclitus thought , a harmony of opposite tensions . . Thereby Generation Without Corruption ( Aristotle , " De Generatione et corruptione ") can not understand In his day , the divine Plato, father of philosophy , to synthesize the universal dynamism Heraclitean the Eleatic fixism , we found the formula Western thought generic formula that is to say that every being contains within itself not being ( Identity and Difference ) and thus can develop , change ; grow and shrink to annihilate and return to the land that gave it birth. In the 19th century another formula Hegel coined to describe this synthesis between Being and Non- being, Nothing : The Becoming , which is just the medium that allows our existence in the world ( essendi ) and our representation of the world ( cognoscendi ordo ) . Our life experiences are then marked by the development, which is that of which we have direct experience , not of Being or Nothingness , which are pure limit our ideas of living.

Therefore, Western Philosophy has stood up to death trying to understand and interpret the meaning of life . Because this is the only one we have experienced . Death , indeed, puts us in the realm of the ineffable , what Wittgenstein called "The Mystic " (Wittgenstein : Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus "). And The Mystic escapes representation . Maybe this causes so much fear (Timor mortis ) . This fear is paradigmatic authors entirely Christian roots as Pascal or Unamuno , who have tried to overcome it by going to faith in an irrational desire for immortality , all lights contradictory to reason as themselves recognized . Furthermore, both Pascal and Unamuno are examples of the tendency of religious thought to see in death the manifestation of an unfathomable mystery of sacredness that only makes sense when you think even without a guarantor reason god of immortality of the soul longed .
We are well located in one of the major aspects in the sacredness of Death. And this is no other than that sanctification comes from thoughts and religious beliefs. As these beliefs can substantiate such a limit experience of life to the point of giving rise to a mortuary cult .

This is where we emphasize again that Death makes us or makes us precisely where fear becomes numinous or divinizing . In a way we could say with Estacio : Timor fecit deos " , although its etiology is multiple and actually depend on socio-economic and political factoraes as the social division of labor, power and class struggle that both generate . But it is true that fear , which is an ally of pain, has been used by all religions , especially the positive , which have generated an institutionalized metaphysics ( Gustavo Bueno , "The Divine Animal " ) to redirect the direction of the individual life tormented by the existence , as well saw Nietzsche ( Genealogy of Morals ) : the priest is the one who guides the pain in a creative direction of moral , social and political improvement. According to a Nietzschean priest famous as Freud would sublimating the pain transmundo creating a beyond death. 'And this why?

The answer is not simple but the truth is that the man needs to survive deceit without being obliged to deal with your Freedom and your destiny or life without meaning , as showed Fromm , Heidegger and Sartre. And what is the root of this deception : Neither more nor less than the structure of Reason. Every man, in that he needs to be metaphysics , although simple or pedestrian , mundane and ultimately not academic. Kant expressed it this triple question : What is my home What can I do What can I expect ? ? . This is the formulation of the triple Kantian metaphysics agony of man , represented from ancient burial tombs (six thousand years ) to the great temples of the positive religions .


We have seen that is inherent to man made ​​three great metaphysical approaches closely linked. This is what all religions advantage for business. From this point of view , death , the great Athena becomes the supreme cultural, social and political business. We would say that around it has developed large forces that have contributed to the great civilizations . Seen this way, all without exception are products of religions and economy of death when it is faced with the desire for life and the desire to exist beyond the phenomenal becomes a source of fear of God the beginning and end of existence.

The big business of death is therefore not only has psychological connotations , as Kant would divest questions. The individual not only asks for their order and even lives burdened by this ignorance and fear of an incomprehensible future and apparently meaningless , but you pay for dying. Insurance companies and funeral earn vast profits from this imaginative projection of the unknown future . The mystic is a social business as root and transcendental psychological representation , but it is not just a matter of individual fear. Create therefore a superabundant economy in contemporary Western society makes sense in the context of the social division of labor and power. Thus, the funerals of the leaders possess inconceivable for a citizen called foot pump . There are also classes before death . We reach all but differently. Similarly, the ecclesiastical and political hierarchies , intimately linked handle fear , pleasure , pain , good and evil and all kinds of feelings and human values ​​as they see fit in each case. The political lie , as religious are bound to each other , although the latter is much more powerful because it affects how we saw the roots of humanity . Therefore, the policy tries to imitate the religious rites without actually getting hold of the severity of sacred religious ceremonies. The policy determines life or death of citizens - subjects , but who decides the ultimate fate of the political masters ? . Especially if they believe they have a soul worth saving , that is, if they aspire to immortality. Some will be immortal in fact, factually ( since antiquity been erected statues and monuments to them ) . For the mob a leader can be a demigod , but for political demigod : Where is the guarantee of true divinity ? .
At the end of the day the leaders are like us, as Deleuze ( Anti-Oedipus ) told us desiring machines and we want mainly for pleasure and avoid pain. So we are willing to enrich the first guru who crosses our path with code recipes postmortem salvation . There is no doubt. All the gurus live Soteriology , giving as Nietzsche thought , a sense of pain , explaining it by creating a transmundo invented to soften the evils of this nonsense , the only real.


We have to say first, that conceptions about death and different ways of dealing with it depend on psychosocial , religious, historical conceptions and ultimately anthropological, of the various companies we historically given . In the tradition of Western thought there are two irreconcilable trends sharply . One, the religious and the other secular or atheist will call . The first considers and uses philosophy as a handmaid of theology and subordinates Reason to Faith Illustrious representative of this mindset and one of its initiators was St. Augustine. According to Augustine , God created the world from nothing . This is an innovation over the Greek thought , which was largely followed . Recall that , according to the ancient Greeks : "Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit " . The notion of a creation from nothing would be outrageous for the Greek thinkers . Let us therefore , to St. Augustine, who sought to rationalize the creator God of Christianity from the image of the Platonic Demiurge. According to Augustine , God created the World, following a pattern existing in the divine mind ideas . This of course , smells Platonism. No wonder we are talking about a heterodox Platonist, because the demiurge of Plato is not a creator god, but represents the production , artisanal aspect of Greek Polis, never an act of creation ex nihilo , incomprehensible in Greek as Plato. Also say that St. Augustine is one of the initiators of the Philosophy of History . In "City of God and the Devil Town " distinguishes two city models : A divine and another human , that of the fallen angels. Naturally both act as thesis and antithesis . One is the holy men destined for salvation and another of those who suffer eternal punishment . The World of St. Augustine 's representation of God but with the presence of evil. So the two cities fighting eternally to the point omega of human history : the day of the Last Judgment . The guy in Augustine, as happens in Christian thought to be a citizen as in classical muindo to be a person, to paraphrase Boethius : rational substance of a spiritual nature . The person has a totally opposite to soul and body whose mission is purified of sin and prepare for eternal life. Christianity , as we see, physical death adds another metaphysical cut that degrades the personal nature of human beings: Sin . The man can go from being the Son of God to sinners , this significant decrease in essence largely explains human history as Christianity and in particular authors as Augustine and in general all medieval .

The secular way of preparation for death

Greeks are the initiators of philosophical speculation in the West and also to inaugurate the secular or atheistic conception of the world , in contrast to the Christian . To the ancient Greeks the individual is primarily a soma , ie , a body having a vital principle Psikhé as material as the body itself but more subtle. It was proper Plato who , assuming Orphic ideas of a vital principle contained in the body creates the Myth of the Soul , which locked in corporeal prison must be released through knowledge by the exercise of Anamnesis to contemplate the ideas , the true Self in its best. The way of salvation regarding the illusory world of the senses brings catharsis. Purification is present in Greek thought since long before the Christian , and it is the latter that taking one . Thus , purification and catharsis are the most common way to prepare for death in Western thought .

A second pathway is initiated by Epicurus , is to deny reality and death. Thus, in the letter to try to convince Meneceo that death is nothing to us , for it makes no sense to worry about her because as we live , there is no death , and when we arrive we no longer exist . Thus death happens to be the subject of philosophical and eschatological inquiry to mere physiological fact that we have no experience and therefore should not cause us fear.
That said we have to point out a very important aspect of the Epicurean thesis on death as well as others that attempt to mitigate fears of human existence . This aspect is none other than the fact that philosophy , as had already occurred since the pre-Socratics and Plato and Aristotle, becomes an instrument of human liberation , to prepare for a good life worth living , which is considered well as the best way to predispose to a good death. This is the view of Epicurus and shall also Spinoza , who sees proper , clear and distinct Cartesian thought the most accurate deal with imaginary fears and passions in order to get the very joy of life so worth living . This and no other is the best way to overcome the fear of death : Salvation by the knowledge they had already preached the Stoics with their rational acceptance of death .

Third Way : The Oblivion of Being

Include this Heideggerian theme as another way to deal with the very own death of Western Civilization , which the German philosopher , has forgotten Being for the benefit of beings, of things in our contemporary world are artifacts . Metaphysics has been canceled in art and technology. So we forget death with our artifacts , because the self is to forget the best way to forget about life and death . We have already seen that the tradition of Western thought sought to situate the life and death reality to prepare . Today that tradition is integral to Heidegger's thought is lost, and it is not surprising that the notion of death in Heidegger calls for an authentic existence that reveals , as in the classical philosophers Being true to our author , the individual, called Dasein or Dasein is to be a core of possibilities that are imposed by its essence , which is none other than the factum of existence. However , death is not a possibility but any insider , which reveals to Dasein its power being par excellence in the world. Thus is revealed the possibility par excellence, which we anticipate our existence as being in trouble , ie , in the state of authenticity on the Self appears as what it is, an area of choice for the individual and not as a part of things, that is the way of appearing inauthentic existence itself , the conduct by the impersonal (it says ... it says ... ) . Now if trouble breaks with everyday it is because it represents a flight into the familiar face of the responsibility of being oneself means being thrown into the world and be to death ( Heidegger : " Being and Time " ) .
Certainly the Heideggerian thought, at this point we awake from that dream and Calderon in the words of Shakespeare era tale told by an idiot or just Madness erasmista . That dream everyday small pleasures that make us forget our essence is more true today than ever. It is the one present in the media and in general in all reality TV shows . The Oblivion of Being and Death results from this point of view , also a large business, the television show. In order to give up their individual responsibility and freedom rabble need idols. So cling to the tiniest and insignificant everyday to continue to maintain an illusion to redeem a miserable existence full of clichés and values ​​as false as their idols , which, of course justify and legitimize an unjust , corrupt society and degraded and a History which has always dominated the fittest . Nihilism In this is so disgusting in the eyes of good Nietzschean , on repeat ad nauseam the false values ​​that serve as an instrument of domination , in the absence of new liberating values ​​of the individual. After the death of God is not nothing, just a cult of the body and an identity that is displayed fetishized naked in the media . It is not the individual who claimed sovereign form of bourgeois Enlightenment but stupid , idiot and used in the sense of the Greek idiotes , the particular individual isolated prey fierce selfishness . No wonder the contemporary individual seeks to perpetuate exacerbating the lowest passions and pleasures. As you said Nietzsche in the Genealogy of Morals : "Man prefers Nothing will not want ." Forget death is a logical exit strategy , precisely now that the Self is so alien to our civilization and its end so near.

Ángel Fernández Méndez